Seminario web sobre el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD)
El Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD o GDPR en inglés) implica un cambio de mentalidad y procesos para todas las empresas que trabajen con datos personales de residentes europeos, independientemente de si tienen su sede fuera o dentro de la Unión Europea. Conoce todas las implicaciones en nuestro próximo seminario online.
Seminarios web en español
En este momento no tenemos seminarios web en español programados. Sin embargo, vuelve a echar un vistazo dentro de unas semanas y comprueba si tenemos alguno nuevo.

Desde el pasado 25 de mayo, todas las compañías que recojan y traten datos personales de residentes europeos tienen que cumplir con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD). Si aún no sabes qué requisitos tienes que poner en marcha a nivel nacional para adaptarte al RGPD y, además, tu negocio se expande a nivel europeo y tienes dificultades para ajustarte a la nueva normativa, participa en nuestro próximo seminario web y resuelve todas tus dudas. ¡Es gratis!
Uno de nuestros expertos, con destacada experiencia internacional, te explicará todas las novedades del RGPD y contestará todas tus preguntas.
Descubre más >>
Los puntos más destacados serán:
- Cómo el Reglamento afecta a las diferentes industrias.
- Cómo aplicar el RGPD si se quieren expandir las actividades de negocio en Europa.
- Por qué es obligatorio cumplirlo en todos los Estados miembros de la UE.
- Consecuencias y multas si no se implementa correctamente.
- Por dónde empezar tu proyecto nacional y europeo en materia RGPD.
- Buenas prácticas puestas en marcha por algunos sectores.
- Las claves del Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPD).
Seminarios web en inglés
Compliance solutions: How can penetration testing support your GDPR project?

Although many organisations are familiar with the concept of penetration testing, they often struggle to understand how to fit it into their overall General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance project, or even how to get started. Organisations could still face fines for any poor decisions they make before the Regulation is enforced, so it is important to properly ascertain vulnerabilities and test and apply patches now.
Organisations should intensify the implementation of information security controls and technologies, including IT security monitoring, testing and measuring in compliance with Article 32 of the GDPR.
In this webinar, IT Governance will provide an overview of how penetration testing can effectively support organisations in achieving GDPR compliance. Join IT Governance’s founder and executive chairman, Alan Calder, and head of technical services, David Grove, where they will discuss:
- Penetration testing and its role in demonstrating GDPR compliance;
- Implementing technical measures to ensure data security and compliance with Article 32 of the GDPR;
- Why penetration tests are vital in uncovering vulnerabilities before criminals do; and
- How to meet legislative and regulatory requirements and achieve an integrated approach with standards such as the PCI DSS, ISO 27001 and the GDPR.
GDPR challenges for the healthcare sector and the practical steps to compliance

With growing cyber threats facing the NHS and other healthcare organisations, and the UK government promising patients secure healthcare services, addressing cyber security must be a priority for all organisations handling patient records and sensitive data.
To keep pace with the digital landscape and address the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance requirements, IT Governance’s experts will be running a webinar designed to help healthcare providers comply with the Regulation. This live webinar session will cover:
An overview of the GPDR and the Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit and their impact on the healthcare sector;
Accountability frameworks that support GDPR compliance, and the role of senior management in ensuring compliance and cyber resilience is a strategic focus;
The role of a robust staff awareness programme in supporting a culture of cyber resilience and compliance; and
Embedding data protection by design and by default, and a holistic approach to achieving a cyber resilient posture.
How can an ISO 27001-compliant information security management system (ISMS) help law firms achieve GDPR compliance?

The legal sector is a popular target for cyber attacks. With such a wealth of confidential information on offer, this is not surprising. According to PwC’s 2017 Law Firms’ Survey , the majority of law firms have experienced a security incident in the past 12 months, with phishing attacks being the most common.
Now that 25 May 2018 deadline has passed, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force and law firms must disclose breaches that compromise the rights of data subjects.
Many law firms are now implementing ISO 27001-compliant information security management systems (ISMSs) to ease the workload of regular audits and better manage their sensitive information in compliance with the GDPR. This proves to clients that they take information security seriously and gives them a competitive advantage.
In this webinar, IT Governance will provide an overview of how an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS can effectively support law firms in achieving GDPR compliance. Join IT Governance’s founder and executive chairman, Alan Calder, as he discusses:
- An overview of the GDPR and its impact on the legal sector;
- The GDPR’s legal requirements and obligations and how an ISO 27001 ISMS can support compliance;
- The role of a robust staff awareness programme in supporting a culture of cyber resilience and GDPR compliance; and
- Practical advice on how to improve your overall information security in line with the GDPR’s requirements.
The responsibilities of controllers and processors under the GDPR and how ongoing staff awareness can support compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) creates a significant number of responsibilities and obligations for controllers and processors. Data controllers must determine the purpose for which data is collected and implement control measures appropriate to the risk to ensure ongoing compliance. Data processors will also be assigned a set of obligations, such as processing data in line with the GDPR’s principles, notifying the data controller and reporting a data breach.
This webinar will shed light on the obligations and responsibilities the GDPR creates for data controllers and data processors, discussing:
- An overview of the current regulatory landscape and the GDPR’s scope;
- The main responsibilities and obligations of controllers and processers;
- Data breach and incident response management obligations;
- The penalties and liabilities imposed on processers and controllers; and
- The limitations and restrictions on appointing joint controllers and subcontracting processors.
How to conduct effective Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to minimise privacy risks and maintain GDPR compliance
Data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) are key to processing personal data in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They help organisations make an early evaluation of the impact business processes, product updates and new projects might have on the data subject.
In this webinar, IT Governance aims to provide an overview of:
- The legal requirements for a DPIA;
- The benefits of conducting DPIAs within your organisation;
- Embedding DPIAs in your risk management framework in compliance with the GDPR; and
- Practical steps to conducting a DPIA and linking it to the GDPR principles.