ISO 27001 In-House Training Services
The implementation of an ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) can seem dauntingly complex and it may be difficult to know how the Standard’s specifications should be applied to an organisation’s particular circumstances. Failure to understand or comply with a particular requirement could jeopardise an implementation project and lead to failure of the certification audit.
The IT Governance ISO 27001 training programme is built on the foundations of our extensive practical experience of designing and implementing management systems. Our trainers will use their real-world knowledge in consultancy to provide you and your team with the skills required to implement and maintain an effective ISO 27001 ISMS for your organisation at the lowest possible cost.
Which ISO 27001 courses do we offer?
Our ISO 27001 In-House training solutions are based on the content and examinations included in our public calendar.
- The ISO 27001 Certified ISMS Foundation course explores the requirements and benefits of ISO 27001 certification, and outlines the key elements of an ISMS and system documentation.
- The ISO 27001 Certified ISMS Lead Implementer course covers all aspects of an ISO 27001 implementation project.
- The ISO 27005 Certified ISMS Risk Management course supports the risk management methodology as specified in ISO 27001.
- The ISO 27001 Certified ISMS Internal Auditor course is based on the internal assessment requirements of ISO 27001 and is key to ensuring compliance and continued maintenance.
- The ISO 27001 Certified ISMS Lead Auditor course delivers the knowledge and skills to plan, lead and execute effective information security audits.

All courses can be customised to fit the exact needs of your organisation and, if required, offer exams with qualifications awarded by the
International Board for IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ).
Speak to an expert
Please contact our team for advice and guidance on our products and services.